Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Consulting

Some Updates to our Web Site and Service Delivery Model

Sep 04, 2020 at 12:37 pm by Christopher

Hello all.


This is a brief summary of some major updates to my web site and the efforts we are taking to serve the community of families with children and adults who are dealing with the challenges and characteristics of Optic Nerve Hypoplasia and related conditions.


As you may have noticed, ONH Consulting was not updated for some time prior to the Pandemic for several reasons. First, I ran into several personal challenges with my other job and family that took a tremendous amount of my time and energy, and, like many of your children, my energy is sometimes limited. Second, the information regarding developments related to ONH and how we understand our unique behaviors sometimes evolves as a slow pace, so finding quality content for the web site and our newsletter was sometimes a challenge.


Fortunately, the Pandemic and the availability of the Economic Impact Payments sent to individuals and families and the downturn in business from my other jobs have enabled me to focus more of my time on ONH Consulting and means of serving our families. In June, thanks to the efforts of my wonderful hosting and web design firm, Bondware web Solutions, I was able to redesign my web site with some welcome modifications, including an updated interface.


Most importantly, however, we are changing how we provide services to families--thanks to some wonderful feedback from a team of marketing professionals that includes an ONH parent. We have decided to discontinue our subscription-based services in favor of a pay-as-you-go plan. Previously, if you visited my web site and opted to subscribe to my services, you would receive access to my newsletter, resource page and some other content for subscribers for a fee of $25. This annual fee also included an initial hour of direct services, with future services provided at the same $25 hour rate.


We found this model confusing, and I have good reason to believe that it precluded access to my services for many families. We therefore eliminated the need for families to complete an annual subscription entirely. Now, if you need services, just call us, Send us an email, or fill out our Contact Page. We have also eliminated the old subscription based newsletter and converted it into our new blog, adult Perspectives. Adult Perspectives contains previous issues of our newsletter plus new and updated content that we hope you all find helpful. Most importantly, our blog is available to all visitors to our web site--not just paid subscribers.


We have also begun a special partnership and promotional campaign with Kidazzler, an exclusive network of family friendly businesses and organizations serving all parents, including many with special needs. I would like to extend special thanks to Julia Rehman and Allen Marx from Kidazzler and Julia Swerdlov for their invaluable instrumental and financial support and advice for making this partnership a reality. I was amazed and humbled by the keen interest and level of dedication to ONH Consulting that the leadership and executive team have given me.


We hope you will consider reaching out to us and hope to hear from you soon.




Christopher Sabine


ONH Consulting, LLC

Sections: Adult Perspectives